Writing for Pleasure at Ciccic

The Good news is that my first cataract removal op.  is fine and I am doing well
and the  next eye Nov. 9th 2018

We had a good first session:

I asked the participants to take five words from CICCIC's current magazine and write a poem.
Here are two:

What is Hullabaloo

What is hullabaloo
a musical adventure for all
improvised within the love of music
drowning out the rhetoric
that keeps invading the magic of sound
and casts it around.

by Tony
( I prize- a cup of tea or coffee- if you guess the five words.)

Five Words Selected – by Brian Vincent
Life is but a patchwork quilt
Stitched together in random squares.
When young, we surf along full tilt
Knowing nought the bowl of future pains and cares.
Underground there lurks the beast of night
Who pounces on our carefree way.
We struggle to overcome him with our prayers
And by faith we hope to see another day.
Every blessing
Brian Vincent
Ciccic is a great place to meet with other artists and writers check out the website
