This is Millie . We lost her about two years ago. When I went to Elizabeth Rapp's writing course at I wrote a couple of things one prose; one poetry.
Millie and Poppy were a gift. My boss's daughter was having a difficult time. Her daughter, his granddaughter was very poorly and they were going regularly to Musgrove Hospital. Colin asked if anyone could take her cats as they were becoming too much for his daughter.
Millie was the placid one, the one that looked after Poppy. Of course they were at first confused by their new home. Millie had a lovely personality. My son Tim visited and took Millie for a walk in the garden while he smoked a cigarette.
From then on the garden became Millie's territory and going for a walk became a ritual for anyone who would go with her. We grew to love her quiet presence and when John, my husband and I were out in our garden she was not far, either sitting on a stone or hiding under a bush camouflaged, smelling all the flowers, chasing butterflies or eating catnip.
Now Millie is poorly, she has lost a lot of weight, it is extraordinary how one becomes attached and knows the right time to make the decision. In the end the decision was made for us when she lost the use of her legs. Of course she was a substitute child and I don't think that that is a silly thing. She was much loved.
From that I wrote a poem.
My Millie is as good as gold but
She is getting old,
Her body became thin,
My heads in a spin
If we should lose her .. well!
She is like kin.
The garden is her special place
She goes there to view her world
She keeps us company
And asks for friendly fuss.
She is more than a cat
She is family to us.
This is Poppy
What can I say about Poppy
She is a nervous female and she loved John as soon as she arrived. She is a pedigree Russian Blue - oriental, meows loudly all the time - I am Siamese if you don't please!
Poppy was a rescue cat and abused as a kitten. ~She maybe a cat, but inside she is a fragile little bird.
When we take her to the Vet, I have to put my arms tightly around her and she burries her face under my armpit. At times I am cross that she is so demanding and sometimes I am ashamed I get cross.
We love Poppy very much too and she is still with us. She is about 16 we think. I suppose she has aches and pains as I do. Every night she asks me to pick her up and massage her. She is very intelligent and she knows words ( not tones). She tries to talk and we have to work out what she is saying in cat talk. She likes tuna, ham, chicken and gourmet petite.
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